The University of Wisconsin-Superior Theatre Department presents “The Wolves” directed by Jess Hughes. “The Wolves,” by Sarah Delappe, is a timely play about a girls’ high school soccer team that illuminates with the unmistakable ping of reality, the way young selves are formed when innate character clashes with external challenges. From the safety of their suburban stretch circle, the team navigates big questions and wages tiny battles with all the vim and vigor of a pack of adolescent warriors. A portrait of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for nine American girls who just want to score some goals. “It’s a heartwarming, coming-of-age story of nine girls on a high school soccer team working through the familiar adolescent issues that come from struggling to fit in while also trying to define themselves as individuals,” said UW-Superior assistant professor of theatre Sean Naughton. “It is powerful, funny, poignant, and one of the most popular plays being performed at colleges and universities today.”
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